The International Journal of Educational Spectrum (IJES) is an internationally refereed scholarly journal published online every six months. It started publishing academic articles in 2019. IJES is an open-access and double-blind-reviewed journal that aims to involve scholars from all international academic and professional communities.
The journal supplies a platform for diverse theoretical and thematic approaches to educational sciences. IJES includes a wide range of research methods (case study, ethnography, phenomenological research, narrative research, historical research, quantitative research− descriptive survey research, experimental research, single-subject research, causal-comparative research, correlational research, and meta-analysis, etc.). The articles inquiring noteworthy research questions from a wide range of perspectives are encouraged to be sent to IJES. IJES welcomes theoretically or practically original articles previously unpublished anywhere. The articles sent to IJES cannot be published or under review elsewhere. All submitted papers will be initially reviewed and assessed by the editorial board in terms of the requirements of the journal. The articles which are found suitable and acceptable by the editorial board will be submitted for scientific assessment to referees. Authors are responsible for any view stated in the articles. In IJES, both English and Turkish articles are published (English only from 2023).
Authors need to use IJES Manuscript Template to format their manuscript.
1) In IJES (International Journal of Educational Spectrum), the articles and reviews are submitted for evaluation.
2) The articles submitted to the journal should not be previously published anywhere or should not be under review at any other journal.
3) If the articles, partly or full, were previously submitted to a conference, symposium or an assembly, they could be published if they are approved by the publication board, providing the date and venue are defined. All responsibility for this issue belongs to the authors.
4) The articles submitted to IJES (International Journal of Educational Spectrum) are initially examined by the editorship. If there is any part that should be corrected, the article is returned to the corresponding author who is required to make related corrections. So, the authors have to add their personal data (Name-surname, Institution, E-mail address, ORCID number) in the Word file of the manuscript. After the preliminary assessment, all the personal data are deleted by the editor before the blind review process.
5) The articles which do not correspond to the publication principles are not sent to referees to be reviewed and consequently not published.
6) This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity. The articles approved by the editorship are sent to at least two referees to be reviewed. If it is required, the manuscript may be sent to more than two referees to examine. The final decision about the paper to be published is made by the majority of referees. Any recommendation stated by the referees is carefully followed by the editor. The journal has the right to make corrections in the articles and publish or reject them. The names, affiliations, and e-mails of the authors will be added in the papers. In the blind-review process, all the author related data will be deleted by the editors.
7) The authors may object to the negative views of the referees providing they submit evidence. This objection is examined and if it is required, opinions of different referees can be benefitted.
8) The authors will be informed about the published volume of the journal.
9) The overall process is conducted online.
10) The paper should start with an “introduction” part containing the approaches in the literature about the aim, content, and the methods of the study. There should be a “result” part in which the findings are examined. (Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Findings, Discussion, Conclusion)
11) In the beginning of the manuscript, there should be a (200-250 words) abstract (English and Turkish) which shortly describes the study. 3-5 keywords should be included by leaving one blank line from the abstract. The text of the abstracts, both in English and Turkish should be written with 10 font size, using Times New Roman font and leaving one blank line.
12) The APA style must be strictly followed by the papers.
13) The papers should not pass the limit of 25 pages including notes, tables, figures, graphics, pictures and references. Numbers should be given for the tables, figures, graphics, and pictures, and when they are used in the text, the numbers should be mentioned.
14) The articles should be written in Word for Windows in order to accelerate the process of composition, correction and edition.
15) The language of the journal is English.
16) The author is responsible for any kind of grammar or spelling problems.
17) The copyrights of the articles are reserved by the journal and they cannot be published, multiplied or used without giving a reference in anywhere unless it is permitted.
18) In the articles, the last version of APA should be employed. Further, the accuracy of the sources is of the responsibility of the authors.
19) Even if the articles sent to IJES completed the referee process, they may be rejected by the editorship board.
20) The articles sent to IJES should be prepared with the American Psychological Association (APA 7) in the reference system, footnotes and preparing references.
21) IJES Plagiarism Policy: Similarity Check is a multi-publisher initiative to screen published and submitted content for originality. IJES uses the iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts.
22)IJES is free of charge. The journal does not charge any article submission, processing or publication fee.
23) About the principles of spelling and publication, the abridged version of the expressions above is given below.
Paper size | A4 |
Top margin | 2.5 |
Bottom margin | 2.5 |
Left margin | 2.5 |
Right margin | 2.5 |
Type font | Times New Roman |
Font Style | Normal |
Font size | 12 |
Line spacing | 1.15 |
Maximum page number (all included) | 25 |
Word count in Abstract | 200-250 |
The range of keywords | 5 |
Publication Policy
Any research paper published in International Journal of Educational Spectrum (IJES) is licensed with "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License". This license authorizes all parties to copy, share and distribute all the papers, data, and supplementary files published in IJES in search engines, websites, and any other digital platforms as long as supplying references. Being an open access research journal, IJES eases the interdisciplinary communication and fosters cooperation among diverse disciplines. Thus, IJES assists its own field by supplying more access to its research papers and a more evident review process.
IJES is available free-of-charge to anyone with access to the Internet, and there are no article submission or access charges for publication.